Our Story
In 2015 a group of local families started meeting and working together to explore the possibility of community living on a shared property in Powell River.
We felt the need to create and live in a more intimate neighbourhood, where people can get to know each other in a meaningful way, and where we can learn to share space and resources while supporting each other. Green living, energy efficient buildings, small house footprint and a strong connection with the surrounding environment were also at the top of the list. On site food production and food security were highly valued by our original members and continue to be a cornerstone of our community life today.
After many, many meetings and a long search for suitable land, in 2018 a rural property became available within the city limits of Powell River. Some of the group's members, wishing to combine rural living with close proximity to the city centre, pulled their resources together to purchase 16 beautiful acres of mixed farmland, meadows and forest in Wildwood.
In January 2019 we formally incorporated as Blueberry Commons Farm Cooperative. We chose this organizational structure as it best reflects our vision and values.
In 2020, on the eve of the pandemic, we decided to begin operating the farm as a cooperative commercial venture growing a diversity of organic fruits, vegetables and herbs for the wider community. Since that time, we have become one of the most productive farms in our region.
In the Spring of 2023, we engaged Ronaye Matthew to support our efforts in developing our first phase of housing: https://cohousingconsulting.ca/.
We have now begun the process of site preparation and construction!
We still have a long road ahead to realize our full vision, but gathering together around a common purpose - such as building meaningful relationships and a more earth-honouring way of living - can nurture and strengthen us for the many challenges and tasks lying ahead.