
We are a group of families and individuals on a journey to develop cohousing on a certified organic farm in Powell River, BC – Tla’amin traditional territory. We share an interest in living in close connection to the land, building sustainable housing, and growing our own food.

Construction is now underway for a July/August 2025 move-in.

Housing units are compact - 800 square feet on the main floor plus second story with more than 450 square feet of developable space - , and built with energy efficiency and low environmental footprint in mind. Beautiful views, 16 acres of stunning land, easy access to trails, parks, lakes, the ocean, schools and more! Half duplex homes cost $676,017 plus GST and single family homes are $717,267 plus GST.
We have openings - find out how you can join us!

We are now working with a great team of professionals to turn this dream into reality!

Join us for our upcoming information sessions:
Saturday, March 29 at 4:00 pm PST by Zoom
Email info@blueberrycommons.ca to register and for more details!

Come to an on-site Open House and view the homes and the land and talk to members:

Saturday March 22 2:00 - 4:00 pm

Watch the recording of a webinar about Blueberry Commons delivered for the
Canadian Cohousing Network
. (pw: %LhSU*W4)

Would you like to join us on this adventure?

We have space for 3 more households in our current development.

Now is the time to get involved and reserve your unit!

To find our more about our application process, please click here.

Aerial view looking North to Tla’amin lands and Scout Mtn.

Building cohousing and food security in Powell River.

We are grateful to live, work and play on the beautiful traditional lands of the Tla’amin Nation.

Aerial view looking south over Wildwood to the ocean

Here are some images of our bountiful land and the wonderful people connected to the life of Blueberry Commons.